Developmental Swim Program

Children will develop the necessary skills of swimming once they have mastered basic techniques and safety skills. Designed for youth ages 6 to 12, the Developmental swim program at JMSS is the only one in North Texas that bridges the gap between learn-to-swim classes and swim team training. It is ideal for students who want may consider competitive swimming with their school, the JMSS USA Sailfish Team and even those who just enjoy the benefits of swimming.

Led by Olympic gold medalist Jim Montgomery, our coaches work with students in a supportive, nurturing environment. Children develop techniques that improve swimming speed and efficiency while addressing the mental component of setting and achieving personal goals – both in and out of the pool. The JMSS Developmental Swim classes provides a path to connect the basic abilities of preadolescence swimmers with the competitive needs of their age group or middle and high school teams.

Read more about the JMSS Developmental Swim program.

Contact us today for a free one-on-one evaluation to find the JMSS Developmental class that fits your child. ***Must have had previous swim lesson experience and hold basic swim skills***


Freestyle Side-Breathing
Freestyle side-breathing is the main focus with the goal of practicing comfort and control swimming 30-feet across the pool. As students perfect their side­-breathing skills more stroke techniques and drills are introduced to help refine the freestyle stroke.


Backstroke Swimming
Once freestyle has been mastered backstroke will be introduced, with attention to body position, the arm stroke, kicking, and a continuous motion. Also, the student will continue to refine their freestyle stroke skills by introducing more stroke drills to boost proficiency.


Breaststroke Swimming
Breaststroke is taught to our advanced swimmers by breaking it into several small steps before bringing the arms and kick together with proper timing. Also, we will introduce treading water, an important safety skill, with more endurance and technique drills will be added to the free and backstrokes.


Butterfly Swimming
It’s time to master the butterfly arms with the dolphin kicks. Coach Jim’s proven methods are sure to provide an efficient butterfly stroke style. Students will also focus on the building of their freestyle and backstroke skills with various drills and tests while continuing to gain more endurance in the water.


Pre-Competition Basics
We start our advanced swimmers in an increased class time from 30 to 45 minutes. Focus on lengthening each stroke and building endurance through freestyle using bilateral breathing. Learn how to perform streamline underwater push offs, ­flip turns and open turns for all strokes. The class is offered in a 30-foot width of the JMSS large pool.